Positions: Application

Storage and Preservation Technology of “+Double Fresh” “1-MCP” for AppleThere are many apple varieties in China, and they can be classified into three varieties as early maturing variety, medium variety and late maturing variety. “+Double Fresh” “1-MCP” preservative will control all kinds of physiological and biochemical response, such as the release of ethylene, respiratory intensity etc., which may occur after the harvest of apple; inhibit the dematuration of endogenous-ethylene and exogenous-ethylene; slow down the progress of mature and senescence of apple;
- 2014.09.29Storage, Transport and Preservation Technology of “+Double Fresh” “1-MCP” for Banana
- 2014.09.29Storage, Transport and Preservation Technology of “+Double Fresh” “1-MCP” for Pineapple
- 2014.09.28Storage and Preservation Technology of “+Double Fresh” “1-MCP” for Cherry